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Don't blame Fifty Shades of Grey, the over-40s need sex education

New figures show a rise in sexually transmitted diseases in the over-35s and Fifty Shades of Grey is being blamed. With the number of teen pregnancies dropping, could it actually be that the older folk are need of some serious sex education, asks Dr Brooke Magnanti.

When in doubt, blame E L James.
That at least seems to be the thinking behind recent stories connecting rising rates of STI diagnosis among the greyfurs to last year's erotic publishing phenomenon Fifty Shades of Grey.
According to figures from the Health Protection Agency released last week, new diagnoses of chlamydia in people living in England and Wales rose by nearly 25 per cent in 2011 with over half in the over-35 set.
Of course stats never quite tell the full story. A rise in diagnoses, for example, could be down to more people actually biting the bullet and getting tested…a slightly embarrassing but necessary part of good sexual health. And diagnoses don't reflect the full scope of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), with many people carrying STIs who don't even know they are infected and potentially passing it on to new partners.
The numbers from the last few years make interesting reading and especially about the middle aged crowd. A study of swingers in the Netherlands from 2010, with a mean age of a not-so-young 43, found rates of chlamydia and gonorrhoea infection that were higher than what sex workers in that country report. "Swingers, like other groups with risk behaviours, need to be identified and treated as a risk group in STI prevention and care," the study noted.

It's not only the swingers, mind. A Student BMJ paper from last yearflagged up sexual health as an aspect of caring for older adults in general practice that is often missed. "A 61 year-old woman reports lower abdominal pain. The chances are that sexually transmitted infections are not high on your list of differential diagnoses—but increasing evidence indicates that they should be," the paper warned.
I can't help but wonder if the full-on safer sex messages that accompanied the emergence of the AIDS epidemic were missed by people 10-20 years older than me, who might already have been safely married off while the 80s teens were getting non-stop messages to "wrap that rascal". Truly, the first decade of my sexual experience wouldn't have looked out of place at the Goodyear factory. Are older people now being released into the wild world of dating without that valuable (and unfortunately latex-smelling) lesson intact?
The rising trend of STIs in older people is as much the responsibility of longer lives, high divorce rates, internet dating, and all the rest as they are attributable to Fifty Shades of Grey… in other words, members of the older generation are having lives just like everyone else, and plenty of sex too. Combine this with the recent figures showing teen pregnancies are continuing to fall, and someone has to ask the question: is it actually the olds who need sex education?

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