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Modern marriage: the state of the union

We’ve all seen the scary statistics about the death of marriage and the inexorable rise in divorce. So is there such a thing as wedded bliss anymore? Over to five wives of different ages, outlooks and backgrounds… Julia Llewellyn Smith puts the questions

Maggie 56lives in Bromley, Kent. A retired financial-services worker with two grown-up children and two grandchildren, she has been married to Chris, 59, her third husband, for four years
Rebecca 39is a stay-at-home mother from Cumbria. She has been married to Andrew, 44, who runs his own printing business, for 10 years. They have two sons aged three and five
Jane 35lives in Norfolk with her husband of four years, a 40-year-old accountant. A supply teacher, she has two daughters aged three and one
Claire 48is a stay-at-home mother from Surrey. She is separated from Bill, 62, a television producer to whom she was married for 11 years. They have four children aged between five and 12
Aruna 28is a lawyer from Bangalore but now lives in north London
Why did you marry?
Maggie We met online and had been living together for two years. We’d not discussed marriage as we’d both done it before, but when Chris asked it felt completely right.
Rebecca We’re from traditional families. Marriage is the norm.
Jane We’d been together seven years. It was the right time.
Claire I was pregnant with my second child and my parents put us under pressure to conform. Anyway, the bastard was the love of my life.
Aruna By Indian standards I was unusual because I was determined to work before I married. I loved my career but eventually it was time to move on to the next step. My family introduced me to some 'boys’, but either I didn’t like them or my father decided they weren’t good enough. Raj was the son of an old family friend, visiting from England.
He was very entertaining, so I decided to see him again. We met a couple of times in holiday resorts without our parents knowing to make sure we were compatible. At first I didn’t want to leave India, but Raj seemed like a good husband who’d give me a lot of freedom, so after a year and a half we married and I moved to London.
What did you expect from marriage?
Rebecca We’d both been briefly married before. Then it was about love’s young dream. This time we were clear it was about endurance.
Jane Commitment and a fun-packed future.
Claire I’d never dreamt of a white dress. I just wanted to be with my soul mate.
Aruna The guy I was looking for had to be qualified, successful, outgoing and not interfering. Raj ticked those boxes.
Did life get better or worse once you were married?
Rebecca Generally better. The two of us are a definite team who fight the world together. But when the kids wake us at 5.30am it’s worse.
Jane Better. I have found my soul mate.
Claire It was a very passionate relationship. But the drudgery of domesticity wore me down and now we’re embarking on a bitter divorce.
Aruna I love art and now I am in London I have access to lots of galleries. But I’m finding it hard to get a job, which I hate, and I can’t get used to the cold.
What was/is the biggest surprise – good or bad – about married life?
Rebecca We only had a 19-month gap between babies and it was like someone dropping a bomb on us. I had no idea what hard work children would be.
Claire Bill was travelling a lot, so family responsibilities fell to me. He said, 'You knew what you were getting into,’ so I didn’t complain but I thought he was selfish.
Aruna In India I lived in a large house and I just worked; the servants took care of everything domestic. Now I’m in a flat with a tiny kitchen and I have to cook every night.
Will you stay married for the rest of your life?
Maggie Yes. We love each other and our sex life is fantastic.
Rebecca When John leaves his coffee cups on the side of the sofa I want to pack my bags and leave, but I married knowing it would be a long haul.
Claire I thought we’d grow old together, then I discovered Bill had been having an affair for three years. He said I’d neglected him for the children.
Aruna I hope so, but divorce is becoming more common in the Hindu community.
Now women can support themselves their tolerance levels have diminished.
Do you make a conscious effort to keep the marriage going?
Maggie If one of us is unhappy we tell one another.
Rebecca Our marriage seems to be a constant juggling act because there’s so much going on. There’s never a minute for us. We’re always saying, 'No matter what, tonight we’ll open a bottle of wine and watch a DVD,’ but it takes hours to get the kids to bed and something comes up, so it never happens. Life slips by.
Jane We’d only met a couple of times when we had a three-hour phone conversation in which we asked each other about everything, from what kind of food we liked to whether we wanted children. We were at an age when neither of us wanted to waste time. We’ve kept that communication going with lots of heart-to-hearts. Our parents help a lot, which allows us time without children, and we make a conscious effort to keep our sex life alive.
Claire I know now that to keep husbands you need to feed them and give them plenty of sex. I thought our sex life was fine but Bill says he never had enough.
Aruna Things have been going well without any conscious effort.
Do you share every part of your life with your husband?
Rebecca We have friends who go on annual holidays with their mates, but we don’t feel the need. We had many years of that.
If we wanted that kind of freedom why marry?
Jane We have very traditional roles. I look after the children with family help and he earns the money. Because it was all agreed in advance, no one’s frustrated or resentful.
Claire I gave Bill too much freedom – he was in the pub every night. He told me not to control him, so I made a conscious effort not to and then he had an affair.
Aruna I have a lot of friends Raj knows nothing about.
I don’t bother telling him about many things. Western women think their husband should fulfil them in every way, but in India we rely on an extended group. It takes the stress off one man feeling he needs to provide everything.
How do you think your life would be if your marriage ended? How would your husband’s life be?
Maggie We’d still be friends. If you have loved somebody that love should always be there.
Rebecca Probably we’d both be fine.
It’s different for our generation. I won’t put John’s clothes away or tidy up his mess, but my mum does everything for my dad. Without her he’d be clueless, though she’d survive fine.
Jane My husband would throw himself into work. I’d crumble.
Claire We’re both on antidepressants since the separation, but Bill’s suffered most. Men can’t cope on their own. They crave emotional dependency.
Aruna We’d both be fine.
Now that women can support themselves financially, and there is little stigma to having children out of wedlock, what’s the point of marriage?
Rebecca It’s too easy to walk away otherwise.
I agree with the statement that love is not an emotion but a choice. The hearts-and-flowers stuff wears off very quickly.
Jane In my teaching career I saw that there’s still a stigma attached to children whose parents weren’t married.
Claire There’s no point. Right now I’m hiding money in my children’s bank accounts, and my husband’s lawyers are demanding to see my late mother’s will because he is asset-stripping me. A massive love affair has been reduced to a business.
Aruna I’ve always wondered about this. I don’t mind being by myself. But in India it’s a stigma not to marry. You probably need to share your life with someone.
Now that people live so long, is it realistic to expect marriages to last 50 years or more?
Maggie My parents were married for 53 years, but my mother left school at 13, married very young and in effect was tied, and birth control didn’t exist. She was happy but it wasn’t the marriage I would have had. I’m so much more educated and confident than she was.
I was brought up not to need a man and not to sit in an unhappy marriage.
Claire If couples claim they’re blissfully happy it may be because the man doesn’t have a very high sex drive. When I hear about a golden wedding anniversary, I think, 'Scratch the surface and I bet it’s a mess.’
Aruna My parents have been in a long arranged marriage. I think you get so used to each other you reach a phase where you can’t imagine life without each other. Arranged and love marriages have equal chances of surviving.
Would an affair on either side mean divorce?
Maggie There just wouldn’t be an affair – there’s no need as we’re involved in the swinging scene. If I was tempted by someone I’d say, 'I’ll ask my husband and you can come over and we’ll all get together.’ Chris would do the same. There’s no need for secretiveness. I don’t have a problem with him having sex with other women because sex is all it is.
Rebecca There’s no time for affairs. I’d kill John if he had one.
Jane Yes, the idea horrifies me.
Claire People said I should forgive Bill, to keep our big house and for the children’s sake. But I couldn’t move on. I’d have a few drinks and get all maudlin. We had counselling but once the trust is broken it’s like a vase – you can’t put it back together.
Aruna I’d like to think we’d work towards a reconciliation.
If you could do it all again from the moment you met your husband what would you do differently?
Maggie I’ve learnt from my past two marriages where the sex wasn’t right that a marriage won’t work unless you have really deep feelings for each other that come from making love in a meaningful way. If your husband isn’t satisfying you sexually you need to talk to him.
Rebecca I wouldn’t have had children so close together.
Jane I wish we’d met when younger because we’re made for each other.
Claire I’d have kept Bill on a short leash. I worked really hard not to be possessive and jealous and was rewarded with an affair.
Aruna Nothing differently.

Are children vital to a marriage?

Rebecca Children are what bind us. My sister-in-law is child-free and she’s less connected to her husband than I am. She’s really into motorbikes and I think, 'Aren’t you getting too old to be riding around in leather trousers?’ We sold our two Harleys and bought a double buggy.
Jane Family life can be an awful lot of fun. Not a day goes by when our children don’t make us smile.
Claire Children were like a hand grenade in our marriage. All were planned but Bill said we had too many.
I know couples with very intense relationships who’ve decided to have no children to keep the focus on them and I think they have a point.
Aruna I wouldn’t be devastated if I didn’t have children. I’d rather have a job. In India my family would be hassling me to breed. Here I’m free of that.
What would happen if you hadn’t married the man you did?
Maggie I’d probably be with someone else. If Chris died I’d be out there looking after a couple of months. I don’t believe there’s just one man for you.
Rebecca I simply can’t imagine that.
Jane I’d be a head teacher. Sometimes I wince when I see the step back my career’s taken to bring up my daughters but I can resume it when I’m older. I’ve seen too many children suffer from bad childcare not to raise mine myself.
Claire I would still be working in advertising. I wanted children but not to the point that I would have married any old body to have them.
Aruna I’d have married someone else.

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